Blog Journal #2

 My experience using MS Word is relatively well-practiced. I am by no means an expert, but I can work my way around the program. During middle and high school I used this program quite often for english essays, various homework assignments and note-taking for select classes. The more I used this program, the more efficient I felt with it and the better I performed within it. Compared to other processing software, I would prefer MS Word the most.

When speaking of the ISTE standards for education, the one that connects the most to me is "leader". Student empowerment is a pretty big deal to me because this is what fuels positive learning and successful output among students. Having teachers empower students gives way to a two way classroom and allows all parties involved to benefit from both learning and teaching. This method also allows for both students and teachers to grow as individuals. 

Digital Native, to me, simply means being intensely familiar and at one with technology in the educational world. Today's students are using technology more and more inside classrooms and their entire world around them outside the classroom is immersed in technology. This is all they deal with day to day wherever they find themselves in their environment. This nativity to the digital landscape has become a fabric within our society and part of what makes it function the way it does. 


  1. Hi devil dog, I appreciate how you interpret the "leader" standard by connecting it to student empowerment. You gave me the impression that this standard is also linked to the "facilitator" and "collaborator" standards because they all emphasize students' active and leading roles in learning. Regarding digital natives, I encourage you to consider students from diverse backgrounds who may not have had enough opportunity to access advanced technologies and may not like using technology for learning, while being younger generations. When incorporating technology in our classrooms, as educators, we must consider the wide range of students we may have.

  2. Hello Devil Dog, I found it super interesting that Microsoft Word was your favorite version of processing software! I have one app that I prefer more than Word, but overall greatly appreciate the many tools and functions that Word offers. I think that empowering students within the classroom is also extremely important, because this is one of the best ways to make sure they feel welcomed within the classroom. This could also increase work ethic and class engagement as well! Technology has greatly increased to become a large part of our society today, so I found it super interesting that you took this approach to "digital natives". Great work!


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