Blog Journal #4

2 LAFS.1112.SL.2.5 

Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

This standard, to me, is the ability to process information found in any number of sources in order to portray that to students in an intellectual and efficient way. In doing so, this makes the information much clearer to the students and more readily understood. I feel very prepared to implement this standard based upon my current skillset. This is essentially what we do as college students. We take digital media sources with information and dissect them  in order to translate what we have learned into assignments, projects and presentations. 

For this section, I chose grade 8 science. A tool for this grade level and subject was an interactive video that guides students through the vast universe and what in includes. This allows for students to access this digital media platform and get acquainted with technology while also completing a lesson plan. This would be a great tool for an educator to utilize outside the classroom. For my classroom, I would use this as a take home assignment with an expected quiz on the material the next class session. 

Part of being an educator is being able to navigate an array of different platforms in order to convey the lesson plan to your students. To do this, one must be proficient in searching material on the internet. This is a crucial skill to have in order to be a successful teacher. Searching the internet correctly allows you to obtain the most accurate and useful information needed to further complete any lesson plan/curriculum. 
