EME2040 Blog #1

 Hi everyone, I've never done anything related to blogging so bear with me if it is a little rough. My name is Jacob and I am a senior sociology major. I am also minoring in education and aspiring to be either a college academic advisor/counselor or a high school counselor. I am United States Marine Corps Veteran and served 4 years active duty. I did 3 foreign and overseas deployments and 1 domestic deployment. 

My experiences using technology in the educational setting are relatively practiced. I was actively using an assortment of technology throughout high school in my architectural engineering class and also throughout my college journey. I would consider myself very familiar with technology within an educational setting. However, I am always open to learning new skills and about newer technology. 

As far as learning networks I use for my own educational experiences, I really do not any specific site or network. I mainly focus on what teacher or professors recommend as a trusted and helpful site to use for coursework. In high school, I mainly used textbooks and library resources (physical hardcopy books) to complete my assignments. College is where I switched to the online library but it has mainly been through FSU's library network. 
