Blog Journal #3

 Maintaining good moral work within education is very crucial. This is why we must cite and reference any work we use in our own to make sure credit is not stolen from other academics who wrote it. Copyright and fair use fit into this mold also. Copyright ensures the inventor or writer of something specific maintains ownership and rights of their product or work. Fair use could follow this same line, but in a different Way. Fair use, to me, implies that an author creates a piece of work specifically for it to be used equally across the world of academia. 

Technology is becoming an integral part of modern education. In most cases, it helps the teacher and student conduct and learn curriculum in an easier way and can also aid in building skills needed for higher education. With technology, we see certain issue start to come to light. Two of these would be lack of funding and academic dishonesty. Technology is expensive and some schools cannot afford to provide the technology needed to provide a modern education to their students. A solution to this could be hosting some sort of fundraiser for students and parents where the technology the school wants to implement is put on display for all parties to see how it operates and how useful it can be for education. However, with this new age of education and technology intermingling, we see more and more academic dishonesty. Students will plagiarize and try to pass off someone else's work as their own. Also, we have seen a rise in cheating for online classes, especially during this pandemic. In, my opinion, the solutions for this are already in place with the honorlock system and time stamps on canvas on when a student enters and leaves a page. 

Working on the newsletter, I have become more familiar with canva. I would like, however, to be more knowledgeable on how to bridge the two programs of Microsoft word and canva together in order to make the newsletter flow much more smoothly. Using these programs will absolutely help me in my future career dfue to the nature of technology in our world. Newsletters and memos will surely be needed from me and knowing how to create these will only make the task easier. 
