Blog Journal #7

     Websites used by teachers for use by the class are very informative and efficient. They convey the information students need while also posting assignments and grades also. Much like Canvas, these websites are an all-in-one tool for both teachers and students. 

    In my classroom, I would use these sites often in order to allow the students access to the material outside of the classroom. This will give them the ability to stay on top of assignments and be able to track their progress during the course session. I would use a platform similar to canvas, due to the easy access nature of the site and efficiency also. 

    My experience using a wiki platform was extremely limited. PB Works was my first introduction to that type of site. To be honest, I struggled quite a bit and had little success navigating through the site. I will definitely need much more practice in order to become accustomed to the site and its operating functions. For a K-12 student, I would recommend the teacher giving a small workshop on the platform to ensure familiarity to the site among the students. 
