Blog Journal #8

     While creating my own website for the previous assignment, I gained numerous technical skills that I did not have previously. This aspect of this course I genuinely appreciate and look forward to using these skills for my career in the future. Everything about the assignment I enjoyed, with the exception of creating the google calendar. I found myself confused and turned around during the calendar part of the web design assignment. I was unaware of how to specifically label events I created for my class and add them to calendar, making it accessible to users. This is something I will work in order to gain this skill to use for my career in the future.

    Diigo is still, for me, difficult to navigate. I often find myself lost on the webpage and having to google or youtube certain things to help myself. I am trying, week by week, to familiarize myself further with diigo, but it is proving to be difficult. Once I get better at using this site, I can see how it would be extremely beneficial to me and my career later in life. 

    One site I found that is incredibly useful in staying informed with technology trends in education was . This website goes in depth on different aspects of educational technology. It defines the overall term, gives examples of useful sites/technology for teachers, and also has a list of the top 9 educational technology trends. This website is a great way for educators to stay informed with what is taking place within the technology spectrum of education. 
