
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Journal #4

2 LAFS.1112.SL.2.5  Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. This standard, to me, is the ability to process information found in any number of sources in order to portray that to students in an intellectual and efficient way. In doing so, this makes the information much clearer to the students and more readily understood. I feel very prepared to implement this standard based upon my current skillset. This is essentially what we do as college students. We take digital media sources with information and dissect them  in order to translate what we have learned into assignments, projects and presentations.  For this section, I chose grade 8 science. A tool for this grade level and subject was an interactive video that guides students through the vast universe and what in includes. This allows for students to access this digital

Blog Journal #3

 Maintaining good moral work within education is very crucial. This is why we must cite and reference any work we use in our own to make sure credit is not stolen from other academics who wrote it. Copyright and fair use fit into this mold also. Copyright ensures the inventor or writer of something specific maintains ownership and rights of their product or work. Fair use could follow this same line, but in a different Way. Fair use, to me, implies that an author creates a piece of work specifically for it to be used equally across the world of academia.  Technology is becoming an integral part of modern education. In most cases, it helps the teacher and student conduct and learn curriculum in an easier way and can also aid in building skills needed for higher education. With technology, we see certain issue start to come to light. Two of these would be lack of funding and academic dishonesty. Technology is expensive and some schools cannot afford to provide the technology needed to pr

Blog Journal #2

 My experience using MS Word is relatively well-practiced. I am by no means an expert, but I can work my way around the program. During middle and high school I used this program quite often for english essays, various homework assignments and note-taking for select classes. The more I used this program, the more efficient I felt with it and the better I performed within it. Compared to other processing software, I would prefer MS Word the most. When speaking of the ISTE standards for education, the one that connects the most to me is "leader". Student empowerment is a pretty big deal to me because this is what fuels positive learning and successful output among students. Having teachers empower students gives way to a two way classroom and allows all parties involved to benefit from both learning and teaching. This method also allows for both students and teachers to grow as individuals.  Digital Native, to me, simply means being intensely familiar and at one with technology

EME2040 Blog #1

 Hi everyone, I've never done anything related to blogging so bear with me if it is a little rough. My name is Jacob and I am a senior sociology major. I am also minoring in education and aspiring to be either a college academic advisor/counselor or a high school counselor. I am United States Marine Corps Veteran and served 4 years active duty. I did 3 foreign and overseas deployments and 1 domestic deployment.  My experiences using technology in the educational setting are relatively practiced. I was actively using an assortment of technology throughout high school in my architectural engineering class and also throughout my college journey. I would consider myself very familiar with technology within an educational setting. However, I am always open to learning new skills and about newer technology.  As far as learning networks I use for my own educational experiences, I really do not any specific site or network. I mainly focus on what teacher or professors recommend as a truste