


Blog Journal #9

 My experience as a distance learner has been relatively successful. It allows me to maintain a steady, full time work schedule while accomplishing my academic goals. The main thing I dislike about distance learning is the interaction between you peers and professors. For some students, this interaction is crucial for a successful academic experience and also to maintain grades that are respectable.  When it comes to open educational resources (OER), I am very inexperienced and under informed. I have never known about them with too much depth. Prior to this class, this was a topic I found myself unaware of and lost within. The closet example I can think of with my experience with OERs is Khan Academy online lectures. They were immensely helpful during high school and provided me after school content for further knowledge to be gained. I have never been too successful while working with powerpoint. I grew up using it in middle and high school but never fu

Blog Journal #8

       While creating my own website for the previous assignment, I gained numerous technical skills that I did not have previously. This aspect of this course I genuinely appreciate and look forward to using these skills for my career in the future. Everything about the assignment I enjoyed, with the exception of creating the google calendar. I found myself confused and turned around during the calendar part of the web design assignment. I was unaware of how to specifically label events I created for my class and add them to calendar, making it accessible to users. This is something I will work in order to gain this skill to use for my career in the future.     Diigo is still, for me, difficult to navigate. I often find myself lost on the webpage and having to google or youtube certain things to help myself. I am trying, week by week, to familiarize myself further with diigo, but it is proving to be difficult. Once I get better at using

Blog Journal #7

      Websites used by teachers for use by the class are very informative and efficient. They convey the information students need while also posting assignments and grades also. Much like Canvas, these websites are an all-in-one tool for both teachers and students.       In my classroom, I would use these sites often in order to allow the students access to the material outside of the classroom. This will give them the ability to stay on top of assignments and be able to track their progress during the course session. I would use a platform similar to canvas, due to the easy access nature of the site and efficiency also.      My experience using a wiki platform was extremely limited. PB Works was my first introduction to that type of site. To be honest, I struggled quite a bit and had little success navigating through the site. I will definitely need much more practice in order to become accustomed to the site and its operating functi

Blog Journal #6

       My experiences using Diigo are very slim. I have actually never used this platform before, so I am constantly struggling to find my way around it. While using the site, I constantly feel lost and overwhelmed at times. I dislike how busy the webpage seems and how cluttered and unreadable it can seem at times. I do not feel confident in my abilities to navigate the site very often.       My experiences with blogging are, again. slim to none. I have never been involved in this type of online platform before and find it odd at times. I have seen people on television and know people who have done this before, but I never saw this as something I would enjoy doing. I still feel this way at times, however, I am navigating through it for this class. I am finding it easier with each passing day.      A web 2.0 tool that I would use when teaching would be google docs. This would be a great tool to use for group work and sharing ideas with other classmates via the internet and online platfo
"USMC Iwo Jima War Memorial at Night, World War II, Veteran Soldiers, American Flag"   by  Beverly & Pack  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0